Monday, August 30, 2010

Winding Down

I am listening to the last home game as I type this post. Just 7 games left after tonight, on the road. It came and went so fast.

Not for my player though. He won last night, pitched really well, only stayed in for 6. The Springbirds are most likely heading for the playoffs, so that means for Dave another 2, maybe 3 more games. He's tired, he's worn out, he's using all his inner stuff to keep focused.

Dave is 12-4, is second in wins, 6th in ERA with 3.13. He was named today to the post season TL All Star Team, good stuff for his resume. But that is not what he sees as an achievement, being able to for the first time since 2007 to finish an entire season without the DL has been what he has worked for, we are proud of him for that. It's easy sometimes to go on the 7 day DL. Guys need some rest, time off and it's usually granted. He told me he just couldn't imagine going another month as a pitcher, he's logged more than he ever has. It's not easy to see why pitchers break down. I don't care what anyone says, it's just so mind boggling.

Not much else to report these days, I think that I have laid out as much as I can think of, I do have a story to tell, but will save that for the end. I am sorry that we are not able to get back to Springfield, unfortunetly we have some things going on here at home and daughter having her wedding reception in October, things to do, and travel money going towards a wedding. But, next year, planning on doing more travel while he is in AAA, lots of neat places to go, Memphis, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and to the new stadium in Omaha. Notice that I have left out the main destination, STL. Perhaps we will get to visit there again, I don't like to talk about those things in advance, who knows he could be somewhere else by that time.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just one of those games

It wasn't a good night, not at all. Both starters were pulled before the fifth. I am not sure they were both that bad or the umpiring was worse, two and a half hours after the start they were just into the fifth. Tight zone, he wasn't giving anything.
Usually the day after a long travel day, 13-14 hours they have off, but yesterday was game day. The worst part was, while usually traveling on long road trips in two buses, one bus broke down in San Antonio, so everyone, players, coaches, media had to pile in one bus, no one slept, though they tried, except for DK, who was flown home the day before, the idea to get a good nights sleep in his own bed for his start. It didn't work, he was flat, the team was flat. He took a bad loss and so did the team against the league leading NW Naturals.

But how does a really good night's sleep help a team? Tonight, birds up 8-2 in the ninth!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Mummy

Got this pic last night after the game, now it's ice on the shoulder, ice on the elbow and ice on the hand. Ball hit the lover nub on the bat last night close to Dave's hands and for some reason it got all black and blue, though he claims he never actully got hit, really doesn't know what happened or do I at this point.

Win #11, we got to watch on milb video and he pitched very well, in fact in the last 13.1 innings he has 6H, 2ER, 1BB (intentional) and 8 SO. He is tied for wins and losses in AA (with more innings) and a 3.10 ERA. about 5 or 6 highest in the league.

It was a good game, pitcher's dual.

Look like the Springbirds will make playoffs, as long as Northwest Arkansas remains in the first place spot in the division, the Birds will get the second spot for playoffs. Of course things change, but as far as I know they are planning games in Sept. at Hammons Field.

It seems like forever since the season began, but now coming to a close it seems too short, not for the players though, most of them are spent out, and ready to come home.

Next start is Tuesday after a series in San Antonio. Dave gets to fly home ahead of the team on Monday, he gets to miss the 13-14 hour bus ride home that comes in a few hours before the game. I don't know how that worked out, usually after a trip like that there is a day off, but there are no days off now until 9/7.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Win # 10

Scroll down for "What might have been, Kopp wonders too".

It's very hard sometimes as a parent to know just what is going on inside your player's head. Perhaps a personal best game just wasn't thought of as personal best. I remember the days getting the W was joyful, things change.

Yes, my son was born with many gifts. He didn't always work as hard as he should, taken care of business always the way we thought he should, and has had a hard time figuring out how to use what he was blessed with. It's a process and we stepped back a while ago, letting him try to figure it out himself, as it should be, in my opinion.

I have to laugh sometimes when people have made comments thinking that is has come so easy for him. They don't know about the personal struggles.

I posted the article because I wanted those that follow to just understand HOW difficult the climb in pro ball is, even for one with the gifts.

Springfield is on a mission, even with losing their best hitter to the big club and mow maybe down to AAA to cover. I am very proud to think that son may be instrumental in setting a good example and giving support in helping the team work as a unit, for a common goal. I told him that, but he will never understand that no matter what happens, we will be more proud of the person he is, not just the pitcher.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Who says pitchers can't hit?

It wasn't the best of pitching outings raised his ERA, but DK went 3 for 3 and crossed home plate on saturday. His last hit, to the wall, hit the ground and bounced back over the wall, ruled a double. Too bad that the wall was in the way or it would have been out of the park! He got the W and he had a blast. That's good, because we don't always have fun at work, right? His record in AA stands at 9-3, much better than the his month at AAA, so the year record is 9-8. Hopefully he'll get some more W's in the next coming weeks.
Now my husband is on a rant, should have sticked to hitting, always a good contact hitter, too bad Pops, your son can't run fast!

Lauren flew out to Springfield for a week, gets to watch one start, originally 2, but that changed with a push back. Last week they inserted ML rehabber Kyle Lohse, unfortunetly he didn't do too well and we lost. Every game is important now, to make the playoffs. Springbirds are only one game out of second in their division, it's gonna be a fight next couple of weeks, playing the Tulsa Drillers (one game ahead of them) right down to the last week of regular games. Pitching has been good, offense and defense excellent!

I think that Dave likes being back in Springfield, it's a nice town with a great atmosphere for Cardinal fans, he's making the best of it and for that we are proud.

For those going off to college, it's right around the corner! Been six years since we sent DK off to Clemson, where did those years go? I hope that all of your players have as good an experience as mine did. The best years of baseball are yet to come!

Monday, August 2, 2010

One month to go

Going into the stretch towards playoffs, my son has had a pretty good summer. Even with a struggle in AAA he has managed to take back with him what he has learned. We told him it didn't matter, as long as his shoulder felt good (which it has). That meant, mo matter what, a successful summer. Unfortunetly something else has come up.

The elbow has been cranky off and on since June, seems to be elbow tendinitous, the only cure would be rest, he won't do it. Instead he has resigned himself to let them hit him to cut down time on the mound, and let his defense do the job, which they have been doing, but in the first game the lefty shut them down. In the second game, the birdies lefty shut the other guys down, that's just how it works sometimes. BTW, the HR was from a lefty, something son struggles against at times and he made a mistake, and mistakes cost you bigtime.

But he had a great game, goes in the record as a complete one, which is good because those 3 innings last monday don't count. And his ERA in AA is terrific.

He told me today he felt ok, the medication seems to be working, he's bound determined to make a full season.