Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Season Is Over

Dave's season ended last night with a loss to NWA after a 5 game series. It was a tough loss, as they had done pretty well in the series winning the first and third games. They just ran out of pitching. And Eric Hosmer got in teh way.

The series was to begin last Wednesday, but they were rained out so they began Thursday and Dave pitched on Friday. He didn't do bad but he didn't do good, and the team didn't respond with offense. He struggled, but hey, that's the way it goes.

It's been a year since Dave went to NY for surgery on his elbow and I remember wondering at the time how it would affect this year. His shoulder was fine, no issues at all, but the elbow has given him some issues since late July. It was a good season, he stayed off the DL!

He leaves in the morning from Springfield to head to see the doc in STL to make sure all is ok, he will pick Lauren up at the STL airport, spend a day or two in STL and then slowly head back home, going to Atlanta and Orlando before they arrive in south Florida. It will be a good time for them to have some alone time, and share some time that doesn't include baseball.

The waiting game begins, we'll see if the Cardinals protect him in November which means a spot on the 40 man roster.

I am not sure if anyone is still reading, but for those of you that have and kept in touch, it's appreciated.

I am hoping that sometime next season, I will be able to give my perspective from a ML player's parent's point of view.

I hope that things are going well for all of your players, enjoy every moment, it goes by so quickly.

Here is a story that was written about DK, it was the perfect story ending to a really perfect season for him.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Wait Is Over

Springbirds won the wild card, team heads out to NWA tomorrow for the best of 5 game series for division champ, Dave pitches on Thursday.

It's gonna be tough, they lost a few key players, we'll just see how it goes.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Dave actually pitched a few days ago, he did very well, left after completing 6, but the struggling bull pen gave it up and it was a no decision. He did his job, and in this game, that's all you can do. I have noticed though since the pitching has improved the hitting has come to a crawl, though he did get robbed the other night, hit just to the wall and caught, if not could have been a double.

So I have been waiting to post for a few days, to announce whether they will head to playoffs, but it just hasn't happened yet, the team gave up their destiny by losing this week a few times now waiting for NWA and Tulsa to finish it off. Tulsa is on a mission, and won't give up. I can't blame them, they have been second in the division most of second season, the only reason they would not go, is because NWA, who has been in first place all second half, won the first half so the rules say the next team in for playoffs would be the one with the best recored. The birds were up by about 7 games, but have lost quite a few, just in teh past week.
If NWA wins tonight the birds are in, if not, then it comes down to the last regular season game tomorrow.

In the meantime, I heard that the birds transport the celebratory bubbly from clubhouse to clubhouse.

As of now the game is tied, again. Will check back tomorrow.