Saturday, May 8, 2010

Been another busy week, getting ready to head to Springfield. Dave pitches tomorrow, he has been pitching on Mother's Day for years, ironic how that happens.

Interesting thing I heard on ESPN, pitching in MLB making a strong comeback. Less runs this year, more complete games. Does that mean that the absence of steroids has had an effect?

Springfield is playing 500 ball right now, and the way tonight is going maybe not by the end of the game. Long season but they are falling behind.
The ironic thing is that the two players on the 40 man roster are not producing. The team added them to protect them in the rule 5 draft. That is supposed to be legit prospects.

Dave had a friend released the other day. Injury issues have been bothering him for a few years. This player was drafted the year Dave was, moved to AA quickly his first full season. Just goes to show, you never know, it's a guessing game, you see someone who is considered a prospect, the next year they are gone.

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