Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Happy Dad

When DK played in Omaha, he was given his home jersey with the ACC championship and CWS patch. This was a big deal to my husband, one of those keepsakes that you keep until your son has a family of his own to share with someday. He also inherited most of the purple and orange t-shirts, running shorts, underarmours as well as hats, hats and more hats.

So recently at lunch when up to see DK, Paul was wondering where his Palm Beach Cardinal practice jersey was (since son was moving up).

It went like this...

P: So can I have your practice jersey?

D: No dad, my practice stuff follows me wherever I go (red).

P: So can I have your Palm Beach Cardinals jersey?

D: No dad, they recycle those. You can go to the gift shop and buy a replica jersey.

P: But it had your name on the back and I want one that you wore.

D: Sorry dad, they take the names off and they don't give out jerseys for you to keep.

P: Oh (damn).

So today, when son gets to the locker room, there awaiting for him is his comemorative jersey to be worn today, and to be auctioned off during the game for the Haitian Relief efforts, you know like the big boys did.

DK takes a pic, sends it to daughter who sends it to dad, who sends it to me. I see it and tell Paul, "all of those player's jerseys are being auctioned off today during game time" (you could bid or buy it outright for $200).

Guess who finally has a Cardinals jersey worn by son? :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome story Barb. Sounds likes a hobby that maybe I'd like to begin one day if fortunate to experience.

    That jersey looks awesome hanging there.

