Friday, August 20, 2010

The Mummy

Got this pic last night after the game, now it's ice on the shoulder, ice on the elbow and ice on the hand. Ball hit the lover nub on the bat last night close to Dave's hands and for some reason it got all black and blue, though he claims he never actully got hit, really doesn't know what happened or do I at this point.

Win #11, we got to watch on milb video and he pitched very well, in fact in the last 13.1 innings he has 6H, 2ER, 1BB (intentional) and 8 SO. He is tied for wins and losses in AA (with more innings) and a 3.10 ERA. about 5 or 6 highest in the league.

It was a good game, pitcher's dual.

Look like the Springbirds will make playoffs, as long as Northwest Arkansas remains in the first place spot in the division, the Birds will get the second spot for playoffs. Of course things change, but as far as I know they are planning games in Sept. at Hammons Field.

It seems like forever since the season began, but now coming to a close it seems too short, not for the players though, most of them are spent out, and ready to come home.

Next start is Tuesday after a series in San Antonio. Dave gets to fly home ahead of the team on Monday, he gets to miss the 13-14 hour bus ride home that comes in a few hours before the game. I don't know how that worked out, usually after a trip like that there is a day off, but there are no days off now until 9/7.

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